Employees are the lifeblood of any organisation. They invest their talent, capacity, and human resources to ensure that the company they work for can deliver every bit of their promises to clients. Recruiting the perfect candidate for a position in any organisation is becoming harder due to certain factors, such as the lack of recruiting strategy and the inability to define the job in a job description. Proper job descriptions are needed to filter out irrelevant applicants and help employers focus on getting the right candidate who will deliver the core values their company desires. Your job description is a priority when it comes to recruiting the perfect candidate. You can follow our tips when writing your job description or can make an easier choice and call us to save time and money to advertise, vet and interview potential candidates.

Choice is yours. So is money and success.

job description or JD is a written narrative that describes the general tasks, or other related duties, and responsibilities of a position. It may specify the functionary to whom the position reports, specifications such as the qualifications or skills needed by the person in the job, information about the equipment, tools and work aids used, working conditions, physical demands, a salary range. Job descriptions are usually narrative but you can also comprise a simple list of competencies; for instance, strategic human resource planning methodologies may be used to develop a competency architecture for an organisation, from which job descriptions are built as a shortlist of competencies.

The start point for any application of competency-based management is a competency model/profile that is valid and constructed in a way that it can be easily used to support all intended HR goals (e.g. recruitment, selection, learning, etc.). Establishing a clear competency structure is one of the first and fundamental steps in profile development.

A competency architecture includes the guiding principles that describe how the profiles will be designed for the entire organisation, like the format for displaying the competency profile, content for the profile (e.g. behavioural competencies and technical/professional competencies), core vs. unique competencies..

There are three basic criteria that competency structures in most organisations must meet:

  1. The competency profiles must include the competencies that employees must have, both now and in the future, to ensure that organisation can achieve its vision and support its values;
  2. The competency profiles must support all of their intended applications (e.g., Recruitment/Selection; Learning and Development; Performance Management; Multi-source Feedback; Career Development and Succession Management; Human Resources Planning);
  3. All competency profiles must be easy to use by all stakeholders.

Competency layers

The model builds from the vision, values and strategic business priorities of the organisation and includes the following competency layers:

competency architecture

Core Competencies – describe in behavioural terms the key values of the organisation and represent those competencies that are core to the organisation’s principal mandate, e.g. Teamwork.

Job Family Competencies – common to a group of jobs. These tend to be related more to knowledge or skill required for certain types of jobs (e.g., Accounting for jobs involving financial administration)

Technical / Professional Competencies – include the specific skills and knowledge (know-how) to perform effectively (e.g. ability to use particular software; knowledge in particular professional areas such as finance, biochemistry; etc.). These competencies could be generic to a Job Family as a whole, or be specific to roles, levels or jobs within the family.

Leadership Competencies – involve managing, supervising or influencing the work of others in some way. In many progressive companies employees are expected to contribute and offer new or better ways of working regardless of their level or role in the organisation. Leadership is required in teams, project management, as well as at the managerial, executive and board levels.

Usually, the total number of competencies included in any one profile should be in the range of 12 to 15.

Example guideline

A typical set of rules for one organisation’s competency profile development is:

  • Up to 12 competencies per profile, including five (5) core competencies.
  • Core Competencies – 5 competencies that apply to all employees
  • Job Family Competencies – Common to whole family, 3-4
  • Technical / Professional (work specific) Competencies – Apply to some or all jobs / roles in group, 3-4

It is an extremely important process for any company to describe itself clearly from the competency-based workforce perspective where company’s HR/recruitment goals closely match its stated / established values. If you have any questions or prefer to delegate this responsibility to professionals to save your time and economise the budget, Amco Recruits’ qualified recruitment specialists are always here to help – answer your questions, address your concerns, present a new Workforce Solution Program or become your trusted and reliable Managed Service Provider as a one-stop-consultancy for all your recruitment needs and expectations.

Call us now on 01923 618833 or GET IN TOUCH HERE